From humble beginnings as a coffee house, Dracula’s has scaled up systems with Harris Data Solutions to become the multi-million dollar company they are today. Through the implementation of SwiftPOS they were able to capitalise on business intelligence and increase operations and profit.
Starting as a Melbourne late night coffee house in 1962, Dracula’s has become an award-winning dinner theatre, retail and tourism business.
Now, the multi-million-dollar company operates on the Gold Coast as well as its original Melbourne home, providing visitors and patrons with what can be best described as an entertaining horror-themed experience.
For well over a decade, Dracula’s has relied heavily on integrated Point of Sales (POS) and back office management technology solutions. In 2008, however, the company had a hospitality management system that did not provide it with the flexibility, ease-of-use and functions required to support a dynamic business.
The search for a solution began by looking for a system that would enable Dracula’s to more easily manage and track stock, gain a greater insight into business performance, quickly update POS terminals with new offerings, and move forward with a customer loyalty program.
Following recommendations from various sources (including the company’s independent stock auditor), Dracula’s approached POS solution specialist Harris Data Systems to discuss a new POS and back office management environment project based on SwiftPOS software.
Almost immediately following implementation of the new solution across all Dracula’s theatre restaurant and retail operations, the company noticed significant improvements. Key among them was business intelligence, stemming directly from the extensive SwiftPOS reporting capabilities and Harris Data’s work on establishing a high-speed data link between all Dracula’s sites. With the software’s flexibility in report creation and system-wide data capturing, Dracula’s had the tools it needed to generate on-demand reports to manage and refine the business.
“We’re able to create reports easily that highlight critical data, such as retail products that aren’t selling, salespeople who may be in need of additional training and business departments falling behind their operational objectives” says Dracula’s Financial Controller, Greg Jackson.
The solution developed by Harris Data Systems also extended into Dracula’s kitchen, enabling staff to view all orders on a single kitchen video monitor (KVM), eliminating any instances of misplaced dockets and allowing chefs to anticipate and prepare for course demands.
Our POS systems enabled accurate stock management, allowing Dracula’s staff to know precisely where stock is located, and how much there is of each item. Furthermore, the user-friendly nature of the software gave Dracula’s the ability to react fast, staying on top of all business operations at all times!
Building Customer Loyalty
Pushing beyond the gains already being made, Dracula’s has plans to utilise the customer loyalty program features of its SwiftPOS-based environment.
Establish a foundation for introducing a comprehensive customer loyalty program
More easily manage and track stock
Gain a greater insight into business performance
Quickly update POS terminals with new products
Dracula’s partnered with Harris Data Systems on the implementation of a fully integrated SwiftPOS-based POS and back office management solution, delivering:
On-demand reports that are being used on a daily basis to manage and refine all business areas
POS terminals able to be updated in minutes as opposed to hours or days
More streamlined kitchen environment